Flaming Cliffs 2 Tribute by slamraamprod
Drama - 9.5 mins
Made with: Lock On Flaming Cliffs - May 2011
This movie using the LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 flight sim as its primary source is a tribute to the flight sim itself, and its mods. More than that, however, it tells a story of a fictional war which might have occurred, between the NATO and Warsaw Pact forces. It initially conveys the quiet beauty and peace of aerial flight, then strikingly explodes with a display of the calamity of actual combat in rapid-fire images, and finally offers a tribute of a different sort...a tribute to some of those who fell in that fictional conflict...and who certainly would fall should such a conflict ever happen in reality.
We Write the Sky by =HH=Pauk
Demo - 2 mins
Made with: IL2: Cliffs of Dover - December 2011
A short trailer-like presentation of Battle of Britain aerial combat action and ground attack sequences, demonstrating uniquely artistic cinematography and editing, along with an exceptionally well choreographed and synchronized musical sound track.
Cecil Golding Interview by Tinus le Roux
Documentary - 7 mins
Made with: IL-2 - December 2011
This is another documentary of an interview of a WWII South African Air Force pilot, this time one who flew the Curtis P40 Tomahawk fighter. IL-2 Flight Simulation footage brings to life the 1942 aerial combat action in which Cecil Golding was shot down by the famous Luftwaffe Ace Hans Marseille. The 2-minute flying sequence is followed by in-depth comments by Golding. Additional Interview videos can be found at "biltongbru" Channel on Youtube.
Battle of Britain Day-The Blitz
Action - 7 mins
Made with: IL2-Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - September 2011
This is the fifth "Battle of Britain" movie by Barfly, in this case showing the combat action of 15 September 1940 which arguably was the turning point in the months long air battle, on which date the RAF won a dramatic victory and the German hopes of quickly defeating the U.K. were destroyed and their Operation Sea Lion invasion plans cancelled.
Stewart "Bomb" Finney Interview by Tinus le Roux
Documentary - 6 mins
Made with: IL-2 and Cliffs of Dover - September 2011
This unique documentary of an interview of a WWII South African Air Force Hurricane fighter pilot uses IL-2 Flight Simulation movie scenes to bring to life the 1942 aerial combat action discussed by the pilot, Stewart 'Bomb' Finney, in September 2011. This movie vividly demonstrates the great possibilities offered by the use of PC FlightSim 'footage' to tell a documentary story of the sort for which TV History Channels utilize very expensive and complex CGI.
Battle of Britain-The Kanalkampf by Barfly
Action - 4 mins
Made with: IL2-Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - August 2011
This short action-filled movie about the first phase of the Battle of Britain, fought over the English Channel with heavy participation by Luftwaffe Stuka dive-bombers, sets the bar at the highest level yet for a movie created using the Cliffs of Dover (COD) Flightsim. The opening scenes are impossible to differentiate from actual WWII newsreel footage, while the incorporation of pilot animation sequences also brings "life" to the movie to a degree seldom achieved in flightsim movies. Superb post-processing video and audio effects complement the raw COD-captured footage.
Awarded the Golden OLEG for achievement in flightsim movie realism and technical mastery in the use of animated human characters.
Battle of Britain-The Day Before Adlertag by Barfly
Action - 4 mins
Made with: IL2: Cliffs of Dover - July 2011
Set in the context of the Battle of Britain, and comprised of non-stop straightforward combat action, this movie is gripping in its masterful demonstration of the new realism in the Cliffs of Dover (COD) Flight Sim aircraft graphics and damage modeling, as well as superb use of both in-game movie-making tools and post-processing effects. The addition of non-COD professional pilot animation sequences is unique, heretofore not seen in any movies hosted at the Flight Sim Movies website.
The Bristol Fighter by Gisbod
Documentary - 4 mins
Made with: Rise of Flight - June 2011
This very well filmed documentary documents some key features and airmen of the Bristol Fighter F2.B. Despite being a two-seater, the "Brisfit" proved to be an agile aircraft that was able to hold its own against opposing single-seat fighters.
Pulse by Ph0b0s95
Demo - 1.5 mins
Made with: IL2: Cliffs of Dover - April 2011
extremely short, trailer-like movie makes an immediate impact as it
takes the pulse of the new "Cliffs of Dover", revealing some of the
Flight Sim's superb graphics and detailed realism, while displaying
gripping cinematography and editing.
Cliffs of Dover Trailer by Tinus le Roux
Demo - 5 mins
Made with: IL2: Cliffs of Dover - March 2011
This short Demo movie masterfully showcases the realism available with the Spring 2011 release of “IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs 0f Dover”. The graphics and damage modeling and many other advanced state-of-the-art attributes of this newest cutting–edge Flight Sim offer great promise not only in the Flight Simming community, but also will contribute to the production of many absolutely superb Battle of Britain stories to be told in movies hosted here at the Flight Sim Movies website.
The Last Knights by Rammbock
Documentary - 8 mins
Made with: IL-2 - January 2011
A uniquely artistic movie depicting the events of a USAAF B-17 raid over Germany, from pre-mission briefing through landing many hours later. The intense aerial combat between escorting USAAF fighters and defending Luftwaffe fighters, along with bomber defenses and losses, are shown as being at times truly chaotic, through very creative cinematography and editing. The airmen of both sides, the Last Knights, are seen as dedicated warriors.
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